ETPSC The exciting new world of Crypto and NFTs is right up our alley in terms of dealing with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning).

Dave Cote himself has a background in film and television, art and writing, and holds a degree in Computer Science.

We have built a team of lead creators from film and television, and have created the Extraterrestrial Private Satellite Club.

This club is made up of anyone who holds (has legally purchased) a Fresh Martian or a Polygon Fresh Martian.

Club members have content that will be unlocked for them. This content will, for one, give them access to our Satellite that is launching this year to study AUPs and UFOs.

Furthermore, the value of these Fresh Martians are going to the Moon, so don't be surprised if one of them makes you an overnight millionaire.

Find our Fresh Martians here on Find our Polygon Martians here on

ROADMAP Phase 1:

  • Raise funds to purchase Satellite Launch for the research of UAPs/UFOs, yes we are interested in the subject.

  • This has been completed and our launch can be seen scheduled here under our founders name Dave Cote on the InterOrbital website. <

  • Create NTFs, randomly computer generated from many hand drawings that have been ported and edited. All done from original artworks of our team.

  • This has been completed and we have 10k Fresh Martians (all unique), 10k Polygon Martians (all unique), and 1M Fresh Blood NFTs, available to be seen and purchased/traded.

    Phase 2:

  • Create Game/Metaverse. Game will be entered through our portal on this website. NFT holders will win tokens.

  • This is in development, the game has been completed in VR, but is now being implemented on our site. In the future, it will become the basis of our MetaVerse, decentralized and likely on the Polygon blockchain.

    Phase 3:

  • Create our Coin.

  • This is in development, and will likely be released on the Binance Smartchain, and on the crypto exchanges.

    Phase 4 and Beyond:

  • We are working on and will eventually release our own Blockchain.

  • Our major obstacles are implementing in a way that 1) remains 100% decentralized and 2) has extremely low gas fees.
    Please stay tuned to our large dataset software announcements, as we are working on this day and night!

    Feel free to Contact us about your software or data needs.